Monday 16 April 2012


Evaluation Question - 7

 how have my skills  progressed from the prelim task to the main task?

During research and planning i learned a lot about how the industry of magazines, how they and industries distributed, market and create magizines,

i have learned how to create conformist products that respect the principles of magzine publishing like, mastheads and images. stuff like that.

i have also picked up and understanding of stereotypes and how to represent social groups in my product.

this knowledge allowed my to build my work up much better than with my preliminary, because i had more knowledge i knew how to use all the different technologies and i wasnt stabbing in the dark. like my prelim....

The top picture is my final cut from my finished product, and the lower image is my preliminary trial.
as you can see there is a lot more two the final cut. for example i used a medium-close up rather than just a medium shot for the front cover this fits more with usual conventions that exist with in common magazine styles. my page layout was fairly similar but i added a few more elements, like i aligned my picture slightly differently so  

evaluation question 6

the hardware equipment i have in constructing my product are

:the iMac and a Canon SLR camera w/ flash

I feel that I have learned how to effectively use photoshop at amatuer level, because i was already familiar with photoshop i found it slightly easier to adapt to working conditions. InDesign was much more difficult to get to grips
with  If I were told to hop on and make a brand new magazine from scratch, I'm sure that I would have little trouble in using the tools. Allignment was something that I found important for the front cover. Between the Images and text I find that I always allign the text and images and the farthest side on either side of the front cover. l. I certainly think again if I were to start again I would certainly manage my time a lot better. i used other online software, like blogger which i am using now to organise my progress which you can see throughout this blog. and i used things like slideshare and prezi to show my work in a different and more unique way. 

Evaluation Question - 5

1 - This is the final cut of my product.