Monday 16 April 2012


Evaluation Question - 7

 how have my skills  progressed from the prelim task to the main task?

During research and planning i learned a lot about how the industry of magazines, how they and industries distributed, market and create magizines,

i have learned how to create conformist products that respect the principles of magzine publishing like, mastheads and images. stuff like that.

i have also picked up and understanding of stereotypes and how to represent social groups in my product.

this knowledge allowed my to build my work up much better than with my preliminary, because i had more knowledge i knew how to use all the different technologies and i wasnt stabbing in the dark. like my prelim....

The top picture is my final cut from my finished product, and the lower image is my preliminary trial.
as you can see there is a lot more two the final cut. for example i used a medium-close up rather than just a medium shot for the front cover this fits more with usual conventions that exist with in common magazine styles. my page layout was fairly similar but i added a few more elements, like i aligned my picture slightly differently so  

evaluation question 6

the hardware equipment i have in constructing my product are

:the iMac and a Canon SLR camera w/ flash

I feel that I have learned how to effectively use photoshop at amatuer level, because i was already familiar with photoshop i found it slightly easier to adapt to working conditions. InDesign was much more difficult to get to grips
with  If I were told to hop on and make a brand new magazine from scratch, I'm sure that I would have little trouble in using the tools. Allignment was something that I found important for the front cover. Between the Images and text I find that I always allign the text and images and the farthest side on either side of the front cover. l. I certainly think again if I were to start again I would certainly manage my time a lot better. i used other online software, like blogger which i am using now to organise my progress which you can see throughout this blog. and i used things like slideshare and prezi to show my work in a different and more unique way. 

Evaluation Question - 5

1 - This is the final cut of my product.

Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation Question 3 - What kind of institutions would distribute your product and why?

The Stages of production for a media product like a magazine follow a set of steps which lead to the finished product.

The first stage as a Pre-Production planning stage in which all party's are told what is required for the product to be finished on-time.
The second stage is Production. this is where all the writers go and get their stories and type them up for the mag, and the photographers finish their photo-shoots.
The third stage is Post-Production. in this step the editors and producers fine tune all of the information writers and photographers have given them and tie them together into a finished product.

that is production sorted but it doesn't stop there. there are other important steps such as marketing a distribution all the way until the final exchange of products in to consumer hands.

2. and industry that could help distribute my product is someone like Bauer Media. they already have experience is distribution magazines all over the world and it would be very easy for them to take my product to shelves everywhere. they do already distribute a magazine with a similar target audience. but i do still think there is enough demand to make it a feasible acquisition.

3. because they already distribute a similar magazine. they will be familiar with my target audience and know exactly how to market it to them for the greatest effect. my product is similar to Kerrang but slightly different in the way it it is written to connect directly to the audience. this will help my product because a distributer is more likely to take a product on if it feels there is an unexploited gap in the market.

4. magazines like kerrang aren't advertised too much on terrestrial TV or on billboards/posters. this is because it is a Niche target audience and in order to connect to that target audience they target that audience specifically. they do this by advertising primarily on their own TV channels.

5. my product could be distributed in number of ways. it could be distributed and sold in shops. or you by a digital copy of the entire magazine available for downloads. maybe to be distributed by Apple form the iStore. i know this is possible because they recently made this service available on my iPad and i tend to use it frequently to download empire.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Changes to the Plan

i jave decided to change my colour scheme in the contents page from Black/White/blue because the blue doesn't really work

It neither works against the black or the white so i think i may change to red. this would help deliver the message of genre to the audience intended.

Monday 20 February 2012

Article for Magazine

Few bands have ever jumped so immediately and unexpectedly into the spotlight than the band Impaired. Hailing from the northeast town of Darlington, their rise into musical mediocrity has been far from restricted and they have given me and Crescendo magazine an exclusive interview with the entire band.
        Lead singer and rhythm guitarist Rhys described their sudden rise to fame as sudden and that he never expected a simple YouTube video to snowball into a record deal. “it really was incredible, that’s the beauty of the system nowadays.
It doesn’t matter where you put it on the Internet as long as people are willing to accept new music. The possibilities are endless”
       The possibilities were indeed endless for Impaired who now have a record deal with Big Time Record Co. an album and tour on the way and more money than they could have ever dreamed of.  And if their Internet success is anything to go by then they could very well be huge. 
         The drummer for Impaired, Jules talks of the struggles faced with touring for the first time and studio recording. “Yeah it’s been a lot to get used to. But it’s what we’ve all been dreaming about for years and making your music and playing it to everyone is just what it’s all about”
        Now their first tour is lined up to take them around the world with rock veterans The Who, it seems the relentless insurgence of Impaired will carry on and on. “Well they’re legends aren’t they. They probably just think we’re upstarts trying to steal their thunder” said Rhys when asked about their tour. “If we could even be half as good as The Who we’ll be set for greater things”
                 Please take sometime to marvel at their Internet success by going to YouTube and searching for Impaired. Just see how many hits you get. This interview was brought to you by Crescendo magazine. For exclusive videos of this interview check out our website at       

Research and planning feedback

Progress report

There are 6 weeks until the Easter break which means - 6 weeks of lesson time to complete my foundation portfolio.

There are 60 marks available for construction and 20 marks for Research and Planning and 20 marks for evaluation - 100 marks in total

To achieve a grade:

A I need to get 80 marks

B I need to get 70 marks

C I need to get 60 marks

To be in level 4 (grade A/B) my work must demonstrate excellence throughout.

By Monday 5th March I should have a rough cut of my products

By Monday 19th March my products should be completed

From Monday 19th - Friday 30th March I will be working on my 7 evaluation questions.

The my completed portfolio should be submitted for formal marking on Monday 16th April. I should use the Easter break to make any minor amendments to my work.

In order to meet these deadlines I will: come in during free's (i have a lot of them) work at home more and spend as much time as possible perfecting posts that are already there

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Secondary Audience Research

Kerrang magazine is created in mind of people who are "Individually minded and musically experienced" or "Young, individually minded and passionate consumers, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty"
7/2/12 7/2/12

i would describe my target audience as independent and passionate music lovers who understand what real music is all about no matter how old or how young they may be.

Monday 6 February 2012

Flat plan contents page - InDesign.

the first image is of me constructing the masthead line exactly 5 cm's down from the gutter line. filled with the phrase in this issue.

this image is of me constructing the rest of the lines for borders and areas within the page to help me develop my page.

and this is my finished flatplan of my contents page.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Print - Planning My Article.

types of introduction possible - summary, question, quotation, anecdote, shock/Horror and description.

i want my article to be and informal style that directly connects with the reader.
and possibly use an anecdotal intro to put across that feel.

i want my article to be about a band, just starting out trying to find their way into the music scene.
and then make it a sort of informal interview.

the band name for the purposes of the article is Impaired.
the article will focus on the band as a whole and the individuals that reside in it.

i can have comments on how exclusive the interview as this is the first ever interview they have ever given...
along with the article there will be a title for the article next to or incorporated with the picture. and then maybe bullet points with latest tour dates and albums , and so-on.

i plan to use second tense. to make the reader feel involved in the article. people are more likely to read my magazine if they feel they can be a part of it too

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Image Analysis and proposition.

 JImi Hendrix. - this photo shows  a man in the high regions of the rule of thirds showing his importance. he is not central. his head is tilted down and he is looking at his guitar. signifying how important his guitar is to him. and in turn how important it is to rock music.

in this picture is a picture of a band all wearing the same attire all with black shades. hidden eyes mean you cannot connect with them. this implies the band's "evil" persona. because they play thrash metal. they want to be seen as rebellious and "mean" people which comes across in the photograph

I now have ideas that my models must wear dark clothing and if they are a band. be wearing similar attire. i need to have my model appropriately positioned within the rule of thirds

i wish to use my model, as part of the masthead, for example having a head incorporated in with an 'O' or and exclamation point. this is an idea i have picked up from previous students work. in which they used a model as the feature picture that burst into the masthead to be the 'O' in "mosh" it was a clever idea and i plan to steal it to make my product better :) 

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Peer Assessment of Flat-plan

Improvements for my product.

add colours to create house style of product. colour scheme. black, white and blue
work on pictures. for front page and develop font style to give more violent feel to make target audience and genre intended more obvious.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Primary audience research

I conducted some primary research in order to.

Find out what appeals to my target audience
to discover any flaws or potential improvements that could be made to my magazines genre.
to identify any gaps in the target audience and make stylistic changes to my product in order to increase profit.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Research into institutions that distribute similar products

Research into institutions that distribute similar products - 19th Jan 2012

Maybe a music label might publish a magazine like this to promote it's own music? 19th Jan 2012

list of other magazines publised by Bauer Media

Todays golfer (niche)
Bird Watching (niche)

Question one.

Q, FHM, MOJO, Pop, and Kerrang. 

a media company might have more than one kind of music magazine to appeal to a larger target audience and capture more readers and generate more profit. this is an example of Horizontal Integration.

Question 2

My plan would be to produce a music magazine much like kerrang that focuses on the rock genre of music, this means the distributor bauer media would not be interested in my product. because it already has kerrang and they would not want two different magazines that hit the same target audience. i would have to find a different publisher, without a magazine of this type in order to guarantee that they'd accept my product. 

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Thursday 5 January 2012

Media Coursework. Print. BRIEF


Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.